~ Zen Moments ~
Inspiration Wisdom
Authenticity Humour

Hsin Hsin Ming – The Great Way
The Great Way is not difficult
for those who have no preferences.
When love and hate are both absent
everything becomes clear and undisguised.
Make the smallest distinction, however,
and heaven and earth are set infinitely apart.

It’s OK to Look Back and Cringe
Having this permission of “No matter what, I’m going to get better and so I’m going to look back and cringe on my earlier work” – I think this is really freeing.

Harold and Maude – Reach out! Take a chance!
“A lot of people enjoy being dead. But they are not dead really. They’re just backing away from life…”

Making Peace with the Imperfect
It’s cracked like this because it’s perfectly in line with the Buddha’s teaching.

Thrift Store Messiah
“My name is Joseph. I have been sent to give you a message.” She was confused, “What? Who has sent you?”

Resources for Awakening
Links to good books, videos downloadable e-books and other good resources for Awkening

An Odd Coincidence
When weird coincidences occur, I begin to wonder who’s in charge…

A Vulnerable Gracious Presence
Sometimes when my world has developed a crack, I’ve remembered that day, only fifty years ago.

Starlings – thousands flying as one
Tens of thousands of starlings flying in unison at dusk in England – a stunning and magical sight

Chasing Ice – the Shrinking of the Arctic Ice
National Geographic photographer deploys time-lapse cameras in the Arctic to capture the world’s changing glaciers.

How to green the world’s deserts and reverse climate change
Greening the world’s deserts – a surprising discovery may hold a key…

What a Wonderful World…
David Attenborough’s uplifting and beautiful view of nature…

The Earth Seen from Space
Now I know why I’m here. Not for a closer look at the moon, but to look back at our home, the Earth.

A World In Love with Itself
A World In Love With Itself: Life in the Rainforest

Sabbath Time
The Sabbath isn’t necessarily a day, but a state of mind, a quiet time, a pit stop on the racetrack of life.

Why we don’t succeed – Simon Sinek
We need to help this amazing, idealistic, fantastic generation build their confidence, learn patience, learn the social skills, find a better balance between life and technology

Rumi and Shams – The Power of Friendship
After meeting Shams, Rumi was transformed from a bookish, sober scholar to an impassioned seeker of truth and love.

Favourite quotes – 1
Zen Moments most retweeted quotes over the past six months

Alive to Each Moment – Sunrise from Mount Fuji
When ascending Fuji, ‘walls of doubt’ appear before trekkers – steep ascents, volcano ash, ice and snow…

True North – What Real Achievement Means
The goal I had reached was much richer for its difficulty and its elusiveness…

“It’s well book!” Stephen Fry on language
Language is changing all the time in surprising ways. Stephen Fry on the changing uses of our language.