The Great Way is not difficult
for those who have no preferences.
When love and hate are both absent
everything becomes clear and undisguised.
Make the smallest distinction, however,
and heaven and earth are set infinitely apart.
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They aren’t particularly wealthy or overtly successful, but they value the things that are most important – personal relationships.
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We need to help this amazing, idealistic, fantastic generation build their confidence, learn patience, learn the social skills, find a better balance between life and technology
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A moving story of how a mother’s perceptiveness and love helped her son begin his journey into the outside world.
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After meeting Shams, Rumi was transformed from a bookish, sober scholar to an impassioned seeker of truth and love.
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Zen Moments most retweeted quotes over the past six months
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“A lot of people enjoy being dead. But they are not dead really. They’re just backing away from life…”
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After protests, a creative and good humoured solution was found…
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How could this child, who was a year younger than my own son, be so courageous facing death?
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“My name is Joseph. I have been sent to give you a message.” She was confused, “What? Who has sent you?”
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When weird coincidences occur, I begin to wonder who’s in charge…
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Mind is completely silent, we are attentive – clear consciousness, All meanings, boundaries disappear…
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Ilie Cioara describes the practice of “Self-knowing” using all-encompassing Attention.
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The goal I had reached was much richer for its difficulty and its elusiveness…
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“Today you…. tomorrow me..” – how the kindness of strangers forced me to be more helpful on the road and in life in general.
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Treat people as if they were what they should be, and you help them become what they are capable of becoming.- Goethe
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A 96 year old man writes a love song for his deceased wife of 75 years and enters it into a contest…
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Peter Donnelly – the Sand Dancer – creates works of art on the beach He has just 4 hours before the sea washes them away
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Each person is different, never existed before and never to exist again…
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“I bequeath myself to the dirt to grow from the grass I love…”
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“There’s nothing wrong with what you’re going through. It’s very real, and it brings you closer to the truth”
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