“What is occurring in your life right now is that your Awareness is growing – and now you are hearing its voice. In strictest terms a ‘growth’ in your Awareness is not possible. Your Awareness is what it is; it does not ‘grow’ larger and larger. That’s because your Awareness rests within your Soul, and your Soul does not get bigger, or in some way ‘more,’ than it always was and is now. It is your Mind that expands. For easy understanding, it could be said that Awareness rests in the Soul and Attention resides in the Mind. So to put what is occurring in your life another way, you are now paying greater Attention to your Awareness. It’s one thing to be ‘aware,’ but it is another thing altogether to pay attention to what your Soul is aware of (instead of ignoring it, which most people do most of the time). This mixture of the two is what might be called Consciousness. When your Mind pays attention to your Soul, and your Mind and Soul thus carry the same data, hold the same idea, and possess the same perspective, you might be said to be fully conscious. So, in real terms, it is your Consciousness that is expanding as the Awareness of your Soul comes to the Attention of your Mind.” The Only Thing That Matters.
Neale D Walsch is the author of 27 books on practical spirituality, including the Conversations with God series, which have sold millions of copies worldwide. During a bleak period of his life, Walsch sat down to write some questions for God. Surprisingly, God answered by guiding Walsch to write His responses. His books have been translated into 35 languages, and seven have made the New York Times best-seller list. nealedonaldwalsch.com Wikipedia
Confusion is the first step towards wisdom. Folly is thinking that you have all the answers.
Listen. Just listen. Listening is one of the richest ways of making love. It is rich with reward, rich with joy.
Stop all of your doing-ness, all of your thinking. Just be for a while. Even for only a moment. It can change everything.
What you resist persists. And only what you look at and own, can disappear.